Monday, November 03, 2008

Winner 2008: YouTube!

There have been some fantastic videos this year. On election night (since I already voted!) I will be kicking back, watching the election coverage and re-visiting some of my favorite videos this year. You know what? Forget that. It's election-eve, I'm gonna do it now.

I'm not going to embed these since you loose the full-screen button.

- Palin vs. McCain debate
- Synchronized Debates
- Wassup beer commercial parody I didn't like the original and I didn't think I'd like the parody, but this really packs a lot of current events into one package.
- McCain's QVC infomercial
- Yes we can The video that got me interested in Obama.
- Palin rock You may have to sign in to enjoy this one :)
- 3 anti-Prop 8 ads in that endearing Mac style
- The vet who did not vet
- Just neat Obama video
- Will Ferrell as President Bush
- The hilarious presidential roast
- Colin Powell endorses Obama
- Another cool video
- Explaining the economic crisis
- A message from Sarah Palin
- Lil O'Reilly
- Money as debt
- The great schlep
- Disney presents: Sarah Palin movie
- Backwards candidate

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